Preschool: I’m a Turkey
Blendon Woods 4265 E Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, United StatesLearn about turkeys through literature activities and craft.
Learn about turkeys through literature activities and craft.
Come out an enjoy a staff-led hike for your little ones! We will travel as far as the group can within the hour, all trails will be suitable for strollers! ...Read More
Learn fascinating facts about spring wildflowers as we walk along the magical Bluebell Trail. Hie will be about 1-mile with stops along the way. Adults only. Trails may be muddy ...Read More
Coyotes, foxes, skunks, and many other wildlife are using our communities and backyards in search of food, water, and shelter. Join Marne Titchenell, OSU Extension Wildlife Program Director, as she ...Read More
Come out and enjoy fun and free archery at Scioto Grove Metro Park! Meet at the archery range for equipment and instruction. Ages 8+ only.
Hike 1 mi to search for these under-appreciated mammals
Explore 1.5-miles through the Walter Tucker Nature Preserve and learn about what's popping up along the trails.
Are You Ready for It? Join us at the Climbing wall for a Taylor Swift Themed Climbing Night!!! We will listen to all of her albums in preparation for the ...Read More
Learn about the benefits of planting native species in your yard and take home a native tree or shrub seedling.
Join the naturalist on a 4-mile hike while we note seasonal changes happening along the way. Meet at the Ranger Station, 1775 Darby Creek Dr.
Give back to Blacklick Woods and help us plant a tree! Join us as we work to kick start our reforestation efforts by planting small trees around the park.
Rucking is a form of exercise that combines walking/hiking with weight training! Learn about the tips and tricks of this interesting and cost-effective exercise routine! The program will consist of ...Read More