Happy Tails-n-Trails
Sharon Woods 6911 Cleveland Ave., ColumbusBring your canine companion for a 2-mile hike followed by a doggie treat. Meet at the Apple Ridge Bulletin Board.
Bring your canine companion for a 2-mile hike followed by a doggie treat. Meet at the Apple Ridge Bulletin Board.
Program on-going from 11am-3pm Enjoy the "Growing Vegetable Soup" Story Walk and try to find the stuffed vegetables hidden around the house.
Search the trails and learn about fungi and how to identify them on this 1.5-mile hike.
Ongoing from 1-3pm. Learn about the preservation of antique plant varieties and help plant the garden, weather permitting.
Join a naturalist for a 2-mile hike looking for spring fungi and wildflowers. Learn about the importance of fungi to the ecosystem and learn some basic identification. Trail will include ...Read More
Learn about the different kinds of bees that live in Ohio and find out what you can do the help them.