6-Mile Hike On The Greenway
Three Creeks 3860 Bixby Road, GroveportGet your day off to a good start with 6-mile walk along the Blacklick Creek Greenway Trail. We'll make a few stops along the way but will mostly be walking ...Read More
Get your day off to a good start with 6-mile walk along the Blacklick Creek Greenway Trail. We'll make a few stops along the way but will mostly be walking ...Read More
Join a naturalist in some good ol' nature therapy! Feel free to bring something to sit on that's easy to carry as we take a short hike and practice some ...Read More
Ongoing from 1-3pm All ages Help with seasonal activities as the farm prepares for winter.
Join us for a 7-week long series of interactive classes designed as an introduction to backpacking, building up to an overnight trip at the end! Attendance at all classes is ...Read More