Metro Parks staff are working on several projects to better serve the needs, wants and wishes of the voters of Franklin County. I will highlight just a few of those in this blog post.

Burning Lake
We are restoring and developing the 180-acre Burning Lake Area at Pickerington Ponds. It will feature improved habitat, new ponds, wetlands and a restored kettle lake, a lake basin formed as the glaciers receded. In 2019, we will build trails, construct a roadway and install utilities. The following year, we will construct play features, so visitors of all ages can be fully immersed in nature. To find out more about this project and to get a tour of the Burning Lake Area, volunteer for our Earthday tree planting event.

Sharon Woods Metro Park – Cleveland Avenue entrance and fencing renovation
The park entrance is getting a beautiful makeover. Park crews removed numerous dead ash trees and several invasive species. We will add a new fence, entrance gate, signage and landscape the area.

Camp Chase Trail
Construction is underway on the final link of the Camp Chase and Ohio to Erie Trail at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park. The Ohio to Erie Trail links Cincinnati, Columbus, Akron and Cleveland and allows visitors to enjoy the splendors of Ohio’s rural heartland. This nearly 1-mile section of the Camp Chase Trail runs through the Indian Ridge Area. When completed 99 percent of the trail from Columbus to Cincinnati will be complete. Visit www.ohiotoerietrail.org for more information.
Metro Parks received assistance through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Clean Ohio Trails Fund to help construct this section of trail.