Naturalists share their mindfulness meditative spaces in Metro Parks
GREG WITTMANN Naturalist, Three Creeks Metro Park We have all experienced it before. The stress peeling off your shoulders feeling you get after taking a deep breath while gazing at …Read More
Find your trail in a Metro Park
TINA FRONK Social Media Specialist June 5 marks National Trails Day, a time to celebrate the wonderful trail systems throughout Central Ohio. Lace up your hiking boots and hit a …Read More
Wander and Wonder: Spring wildflowers at Three Creeks
Adventure Starts Here: Outdoor Adventure programming
Gotta catch ’em all at Scioto Audubon’s climbing wall
KIM DEAL Outdoor Adventure Programming A wild Golem has appeared! Several Pokémon were spotted at Scioto Audubon’s climbing wall during an Outdoor Adventure climbing program for kids. Our Pokémon trainers …Read More
Migration mania is underway in your Metro Parks
SCOTT FELKER Naturalist at Three Creeks Metro Park It’s almost May in Central Ohio. Perhaps you’re reading this at night and maybe, well more than maybe, hundreds of thousands or …Read More
Billions of Brood X cicadas will emerge in spring and can make as much noise as a rock concert
PEG HANLEY Public Information Manager After spending 17 years underground, billions of Brood X, or the Great Eastern Brood, cicada will boldly and loudly bust out across several states. Ohio …Read More
A happy ending for box turtles
STEPHANIE WEST Naturalist at Blendon Woods Metro Park Once upon a time, there were vast forests covering most of Ohio. As those forests were cleared, many of its inhabitants became …Read More
Discover your Metro Parks with the 2021 Explorer’s Challenge
HALEY INGRAM Metro Parks Planning & Design Project Coordinator Flowers are blooming, animals are moving and Metro Parks is gearing up for an exciting summer. Last year we hosted the …Read More
Take your selfies to the next level with a #cbusparkie
TINA FRONK Social Media Specialist Grab your phones and head out to your favorite Metro Park – the #cbusparkie selfie station is back! It will rotate through seven different parks …Read More
Around the next bend
ANDREW BOOSE ANNETTE BOOSE Metro Parks Aquatic Ecologist …Read More
Tim Talks: Homeschooling at Blacklick Woods
Celebrate gardening month at Inniswood Metro Gardens
CINDY MARAVICH Senior Environmental Educator, Inniswood Metro Gardens April is Gardening Month and the perfect time to get outside and see what’s blooming in your Metro Parks. A stroll through …Read More
Ride into fun at Chestnut Ridge Metro Park
BRITTANY AMBROSIO-BEUTHE COMBO Vice President Over the last several years, the mountain biking community in Central Ohio has flourished. Multiple trails are located within the city or just a short …Read More
Wetlands burst to life in spring
Tina Fronk Social Media Specialist As spring ushers in sunshine and warmer weather, the wetlands burst to life at your Metro Parks. Spring also brings incredible wildlife viewing opportunities as …Read More
A wonderland of wilderness awaits you in northeastern Franklin County
PEG HANLEY Public Information Manager With deep ravines running to Big Walnut Creek and cliffs 100 feet tall, Metro Parks acquired a piece of land several years ago that is …Read More
Wander and Wonder: Spring bursts back to life
Tim Talks: Family reconnects in Metro Parks
Turning the corner on spring at Metro Parks
KATHLEEN O’DOWD Guest Blogger As the sun’s rays melt the last of winter’s snow and flurries transform into spring showers, remember Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks for an immersive …Read More