Springtime brings new life to Slate Run Farm
DAVE TROTTER, Interpretive Aide Spring brings many changes to the farm. As the weather warms, the activity around the farm increases dramatically. The wheat planted last October is greening up …Read More
DAVE TROTTER, Interpretive Aide Spring brings many changes to the farm. As the weather warms, the activity around the farm increases dramatically. The wheat planted last October is greening up …Read More
Nothing says fall more than apple butter and apple cider! Check out how the folks at Slate Run Living Historical Farm make theirs, the 1880s way. Check out our 1880s …Read More
STEPHANIE REINER, Slate Run Farm Interpretive Aide There are lots of things to see and do when you visit Slate Run Living Historical Farm. Here are some things to try: …Read More
Dig into 1880s farm life – Feel the softness of sheep’s wool in your hands, smell bacon sizzling on a cast iron stove and marvel at the strength of our …Read More
A golden, ripe wheat field is a beautiful sight and its appearance in July means it is grain threshing season on the farm. At Metro Parks’ Slate Run Living Historical …Read More
With each passing month from spring to fall, the farm’s Percheron draft horses are kept busy as the driving forces behind the farm’s vast array of machinery and tools for …Read More
Swarms of honey bees have recently visited the orchard at Slate Run Living Historical Farm. While some people may find this unsettling, it is a sign that the nearby hives …Read More
Spring is the beginning of the new farming year, when the gardens and fields are being planted. It is also the time when we have the most animal births, specifically …Read More
The idea of Thanksgiving in America often conjures up images of Native Americans and early settlers around tables laden with food. George Washington was the first president to declare a …Read More
Threshing is one of the highlights of the summer for staff and visitors to Slate Run Living Historical Farm, and you can see how it was done, 1880s style, at …Read More